Sunday, 24 April 2011

Sometimes, they make it hard to love them

nathan on the bed with my leg

Here's Nathan this morning on our bed. With my leg. Looks like I'm developing a bit of a bunion there.

Aww, isn't he cute? Doesn't he look relaxed?

It's a LIE!

Later on, I sat on our kitchen step-up (I'm too short to reach the high cupboards) and gave him a brush. He gives every appearance of enjoying being brushed. Then I caught the whiff of cat piss, took a look at his bum and it was distinctly oozy. Sorry, this is disgusting, isn't it? So is living with this cat. I encouraged him to eat some food, then put the light on. He'd dropped two droplets of urine on the floor around where I was sitting. WHY DOES HE DO THIS? I'd dearly love to know. The internet tells me it's stress, feeling that he is not secure in his surroundings, but I just don't know what is causing that. Particularly IN the house when his sister isn't around. I've whacked the Feliway on, as I didn't see the point in having it on with all the windows open and it is so expensive. And maybe I'll have to stop brushing him too? HELP!

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