Monday, 18 July 2011

Up on the roof

We like to think we are considerate cat owners, feeding the cats properly, keeping their litter clean, trying to make sure they don't go out on to the road. Stuff like that.

But more and more, I think that life with two cats is much like life with a toddler. They will seek out danger wherever they can.

It's been warm on and off the last couple of weeks and we've been sleeping with the bedroom window open by varying degrees. One morning it was very hot in our room and so I flung the window open wide before going out to work.

Now, as we have previously seen, the cats quite enjoy sitting on a windowsill looking out, and particularly looking out of the window from our room which is directly opposite a tree where sparrows live. I forgot about this before I went out.

Turns out, the cats were just waiting for their opportunity to explore the other side of this particular window and R managed to get these shots of them checking out some high-rise living:

Up on the roof

Natalie's all like, what? Why are you *always* taking pictures of me? Yes, my little feet are sloping away from under me. What's the beef?

Natalie on the roof. THE ROOF.

It makes you feel great when your cat appears to be assessing whether to make the jump from a first floor roof. Don't do it Natalie!

Inspecting the guttering

I got this set of photos through via email at work and when my colleague heard my sharp intake of breath she said, "What's wrong, has someone died?!"


  1. Aw, you were really concerned back then, huh? I’d feel the same way if I were you… just thinking about how my cats are doin’ at home really worries me. But, I really have to trust our roof… I mean, I let them stay and hang out there. It’s their nature! I just really need to trust our roof. Did I say it twice? Hehe. Did I sound too worried?
    Brendan Gertner

  2. Oh… Brendan. You sound like you’re away from home, and honestly, I think you also sound a bit too worried too. You clearly love your cats. Anyway… I’m amazed how cats manage to balance themselves on such uneven areas, like the roof. If a person stood on a sliding roof, he’d probably slip and fall – and consequently ask other people for help.
    --Lakisha Autin

  3. The roof doesn’t seem at all like it’s flat and fit for walking, but that definitely did not stop these cats from playing and roaming around! Some animal lovers prefer flat roofing to provide a good place for their cats. But clearly, cats are clever animals in the sense that they can balance themselves and keep from falling from the roof! Nice roof shingles, by the way. Classic design!

    Linda Wise
