The cats are on a diet, because they are too fat. I almost wish someone would control my food in a similar way and then maybe my clothes would fit.
Sadly, I am in charge, and eat far too much rubbish, and if I wasn't in control, I'd probably behave a little like the cats do at the moment.
Because they are cats, and have very small brains, they are capable of association but not much else. They understand that kitchen means food, but not much more than that. They come and beg, much like a dog, regardless of what you're doing. Nathan is particularly bad for it, often rushing in from outside on the off-chance he'll get some chicken.
He does this at first, staring up at you:
Then he stretches up, to get a better view. When I took this picture, I was chopping up garlic, surely not his favourite?
(Do you like my slippers?)
We shout "down" at him and he gets down, for about 30 seconds and then he's up again. It's quite sweet, but also a bit dangerous when you don't notice him and I kicked Natalie in the face when she was doing this last week. I felt a bit bad about that.
Sometimes, I accidentally drop or throw them a piece of food just to prove to them that they won't like the melon/carrot/cup of tea that I'm preparing.
It doesn't always work:
I dropped one tortello (of tortellini, I think) which had gorgonzola and walnut in it. Far too strong for a cat, thought I, of course she'll ignore it. Of course she didn't. She gobbled it up!
Natalie is also the cat that does naughty things, but in a very "what, me?" sort of way. Nathan will jump down when you shout. Natalie just looks at you in a "Problem? Keep the noise down, please" kind of way.
Up she jumps, to have an investigate:
(Yeah, our kitchen isn't finished. You stop noticing after a few weeks)
You shout "DOWN!" and she just...carries on...
Anything for food. Greedy gutses.