Today I was sitting in the living room, having the first Saturday at home for a while when I heard a strange rustling. A very strange rustling. The only thing it could be was the cats. investigating or as I like to call it, up to no good.
Off I went to investigate myself and I found them doing this:
Same photo, more or less as the last post. That's my umbrella and my bike bag/pannier and cable lock next to them. I wondered what could be so interesting about my umbrella.
Nothing was interesting about my umbrella, there was something *in* the umbrella, most likely put there by the naughty cats.
"R, I need you"
"The cats have brought something in. What if it's another frog??!!"
R came down to investigate and attempt to reduce my rising panic. Natalie ran away, a little, but Nathan was not giving up whatever the umbrella contained:
I made him going away, using the tool used by cat owners everywhere. My foot.
R shook out the umbrella - what do you think it was? Another frog? A bird? A mouse?
Natalie was delighted by the easy access this offered:
It was none of the above. It was a butterfly. Now, butterflies are EXTRAORDINARILY precious and the fact that the cats had caught one, brought it in and were basically torturing it was very upsetting. We kept them away and it crawled up the side of the stairs off the carpet. We decided that, although its wings were a bit mangled, we'd take it out of the house. Here's a shot:
Those bright colours are suggesting to me that it doesn't taste of chicken. Cats are so thick.
At first, I thought it was a red admiral but it wasn't and I have no idea how to identify it.
So, we took it outside and returned to our Saturday morning activities.
Shortly afterwards, I heard the rustling again. The little buggers had got it back in!
We rescued it again, even more mangled, but clinging on to life. Poor poor butterfly! I gave it some sugar solution but its wings are so damaged, I don't think there's much hope. I can't bring myself to put it out of its misery but at least it's not being tortured any more.
Here's a little pic of it:
Cats will be cats, but I don't always have to be pleased about it. And if they'd just bring in a mouse, I'd be quite pleased.
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