Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Funny things cats do #1

Nathan does this weird thing where, when he's all relaxed and chilled, he rolls. He's usually lying on something that he can roll off, sadly for him. He's rolled off the footstool thing in the picture below, our bed and the sofa.

Today, I was in the shower and often, when we're in the bathroom, one or both of them will sit outside the closed door. I'm not sure why, and it's actually probably completely unrelated, but there it is. When I came out, he was waiting for me. I stroked his head and bit, and said hello. Then he tried to attack my slipper. Naughty cat. So I made to leave, and he did his stretching and rolling thing.

Problem is, our bathroom door is at the top of our stairs, so as he rolled over, he fell off the top step and began to fall down the stairs, like a mountain climber sliding down a sheer rock face. Fortunately, as climbers have ice picks, Nathan has claws, so he managed to dig in a claw, shake himself down, and run away from those nasty stairs that tried to scare him

Silly boy.

Very silly boy, he doesn't even like snooker:

Judd Trump's semi-final

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