Saturday, 20 August 2011

Of cats and creatures

No posts from me for a while. There hasn't been much to say about the cats lately, and I've been a bit busy to do a couple of posts that are about wider issues around cat ownership.

All there is to say about the cats is a) they are being very naughty and b) they keep bringing things in.

On Thursday Natalie brought a mouse in for me. It wasn't dead, ran across the room towards me, inducing me to produce a blood-curdling screamm that made Rob think I was being attacked. Oops. But it was a mouse! IN THE HOUSE! She went out with it, but then came back in to play with it in their room, growling extensively at Nathan when he tried to get a paw in.

Then she ate it. Cats are such delights.

This morning, Natalie was on our bed, having a very companionable lie-in when I heard the cat flap going and the familiar "thud thud" of a cat tossing some poor unfortunate creature around. It was Nathan with a bird, and I had foolishly left my bag down there, creating a bird-my handbag interaction. Not impressed.

Natalie and I went down to shoo him out, which made him growl at her and they had a bit of a standoff, which I broke. It was scary though, as I didn't know if he'd go for me, bird and all.

Oh, and as they're on a diet, they've turned into velociraptors. Last night I ate my dinner and they actually did a pincer movement on me (after opening the door!) one going in front of me and my plate, and the other behind. I ended up barricading the door with my handweights to keep them out! Who knows what they'll do next.

Pictures soon...